
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a language using which we tell web browser how a page should look. Images and vedios are in seprate files but they are linked with urls. Http sends request for each of them and display after receiving it. Using html also we create forms which are used to collect data i.e POST request.


Anyone who wants to make website must use html for making one. I myself also used html to make this website. It is ussed to make some text look bold or create hyperlink to other pages or add image to the page.

  • HTML Used to create webpages.
  • HTML is free.
  • HTML can integrate easily with other languages.
  • HTML is supported by all browsers.
  • HTML is lightweight



CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a collection of formatting rules that helps website developers control the appearance and display of the website they are working on. CSS lets them define the styling decisions such as the position of the images, the font size, the color to the background, and everything else that has an impact on how a website will display on your web browser.


Adding more in depth graphics to your website. As I myself have used CSS for the carousel in homepage and for formatting text in navbar.

  • Saves times.
  • Help to make spontaneous and consisstent changes.
  • Improves page loading speed.
  • Device compatibility.